
Misconceptions and Fallacies on Recycled Paper

Thursday, November 12th, 2009

Misconceptions and Fallacies on Recycled Paper

Did you know that a single ton of paper made with 30% recycled post-consumer fiber saves three cubic yards of landfill space, seven trees, 3,000 gallons of water and over 4,000 BTUs of energy? Recycled paper is competitively priced with virgin-fiber paper; and recycled mills use less energy, produce less solid waste and fewer atmospheric emissions, and help to preserve natural resources and landfill space. However, outdated concerns about quality and cost, coupled with a lack of information about the benefits from reducing landfill and the variety of papers available, has held many organizations back.

Recycled Paper does not perform like Virgin Paper

In the past, when high quality recycled paper had not yet been developed; recycled paper did tend to curl and create more dust than high quality virgin paper. Now thanks to the efforts of paper production companies, high quality recycled content paper is available in all sizes, grades of recycled content and colors.

Recycled Paper Costs Significantly More than Virgin Paper

The market for recycled paper has grown over the last decade and now recycled paper is available at very competitive prices! Most paper companies offer at least 30% recycled content paper! It is important to show companies that the market for recycled paper is still out there and growing, therefore every purchase of recycled products, no matter how small, is important to closing the loop between recycling and using recycled products.

Recycled Paper Is Less Appealing than Virgin Paper

In a study, only 2% of those surveyed could correctly distinguish between different grades of recycled paper and virgin paper. The only way anyone can tell if you are using recycled paper is if the paper has a stamp indicating that it is made from recycled stock. This is more likely to be a positive contribution to your image than a negative one.

Direct Mail Services

Thursday, November 12th, 2009

How your printed piece gets to its intended recipient is as important as how nice the piece looks. At David A. Smith Printing, we print and mail your materials direct from our facility, for much less money and in much less time than an independent mail house. Our company specializes in complete printing & mailing solutions for your business, we make it easy for our clients.

Here are a few common scenarios – Your deadline is approaching and you have 5000 newsletters you need to mail to your members or 10,000 postcards to customers and prospects. The artwork has just been approved only days before the mailing deadline, so what now? Maybe you have had enough of the nightmare that ensues when you bring a project back to your office to complete the mail process internally? Are you getting the best sort? Has your list been CASS-DPV certified? Is there a better way to stuff, seal, tab, stamp, etc?

Working with David A. Smith Printing, these are not problems. Printing, finishing and mailing of your order is all completed in-house quickly, and easily. This will not only save you a great deal of time and money, but you’ll no longer have to co-ordinate with 2 companies for fulfillment of your mailing. With daily delivery to the USPS SCF center in Harrisburg, PA, our facility is perfectly suited to handle all of your printing and direct mail requirements.

For those digitally produced pieces, the power of versioning and variable data cannot be wholly realized until you couple that technology with the savviness of good mail processing. We have blended our knowledge and history of successful mail processing with the cutting edge resources of variable data/variable image printing to offer complete one-to-one marketing solutions.

Also consider, that we treat our clients printing and mailing needs as one job. This means, you are no longer at the mercy of an independent mail house’s schedule. From beginning to end, our staff will ensure quality printing and delivery of your product for you, without compromise or delay.

Ask your CSR or sales representative how we can help you better get your printed goods into the hands of those who you need to reach!

Managed Forests For Smart Paper Buyers

Thursday, November 12th, 2009

Please feel free to use these tidbits of information in your own day to day activities. Of course, if we can help you in your quest for a more sustainable print buying solution, please do not hesitate to ask.

– Every day the paper industry recycles enough paper to fill a 15 mile long train.

– An acre of young, healthy trees will produce 4,280 lbs of oxygen and capture 5,880 lbs of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere each year.

– For every 50 tons of paper used, one acre of forestland is sustainably managed.

– You know that trees make paper, but paper also makes trees! The demand for paper drives growth of the forests, and a high value on forest land protects that property from commercial development.

– Today the US had 750 million acres of forestland. That is 12 million more acres of forest in the US today than existed in 1988.

– Every day more than 1.7 million trees are planted in the U.S.

– 4 trees per person per year.

The end result of course is that properly managed forests are an asset we can all appreciate. Managed forests help clean the air we breathe, provide the habitat for a wide range of wildlife, and offer unmatched recreational opportunities for those who like to camp, fish, hike and study nature. Managed forests do all of this and provide the pulp we need for paper products. Combine the renewable nature of trees and the reusable nature of paper, and you have a powerful combination that ensures there will be plenty of paper – and plenty of nature – for future generations.

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